The Three Rules

2 min readJun 4, 2023


This poem, as said above, was originally written for Palestine Action’s siege of UAV Tactical Systems, which is still ongoing. The text of the poem can be seen below:


You came out here to stop production of drones
now the police have caught you all alone.
They speak to you with a passive aggressive tone,
as if you were witholding important facts.
You’re not sure you’ll respond with the right tact -
you’re taken aback.
But here’s the thing:
with questioning,
the police are all bark and no bite.
They may not want you to know this, but you do have rights!
So before you tell them your family history,
spew out a word vomit,
if the police talk to you
tell them — no comment!


But if you’ve been detained and charged
and some big police sarge says:
‘Right son, you’ve been well and truly nicked.
You have a right to a duty solicitor.’
Don’t take them up on that, that’s a trick.
Don’t get me wrong, duty lawyers have their place,
but you need someone who knows the specifics of your case.
We have lawyers who will back you absolutely.
So remember: if you need a lawyer
tell the police — no duty!


You might see a theme here:
the police will screw you to the hilt.
One more thing: don’t accept a caution,
that’s an admission of guilt.
That’s something you can’t accord the police,
all that goes on your record.
all that information, every trace,
goes on the police database.
So those are the three big rules,
in case you have no other options.
if you have to deal with the pigs —
No comment!
No duty solicitor!
No caution!




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